Historical cross section:an analysis to the uncivilized nationalities society of Guangxi peripheral in Song Dynasty from Three Books of Chunxi Time
中文关键词:  宋代  广西  淳熙三书  蛮族社会
English Keywords:Song Dynasty  Guangxi  three books of chunxi time  uncivilized nationalities
Fund Project:
廖寅,赵晓倩① 河北大学 宋史研究中心河北 保定 071002 
摘要点击次数: 919
全文下载次数: 796
English Summary:
      There had been three books which intentinonally reflected the society of Guangxi and peripheral area during 1174-1178 year of Southern Song Dynasty, such as Gui Hai Yu Heng Zhi, Ling Wai Dai Da and Zhu Zhou Ji. From the standpoint of Uncivilized Nationalities Society, the historical cross section took on many profoundly historical significance phenomenon. The untied uncivilized nationalities aroud Guangxi hugged the Han Nationality civilization highly, and their upper classes of society had quite high sinicizing level. The tied uncivilized nationalities society of Guangxi approached the level of Tang Dynasty earlier period on the whole, moreover, its trend of development coincided with the path of the Han Nationality once passed through. These opened the clue which the tied uncivilized nationalities of Guangxi and Yunnan-Guizhou Area aroud Guangxi integrated the Chinese empire system completely after Yuan Dynasty.
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