Optimization of CPC’s Political Mobilization from the Perspective of Governance
中文关键词:  中国共产党  政治动员  社会转型  社会治理
English Keywords:CPC political mobilization  social transformation  social governance
Fund Project:
李建兴 绍兴市社会科学院浙江 绍兴 312000 
摘要点击次数: 872
全文下载次数: 834
English Summary:
      Political mobilization (PM) is a preferred magic method for the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) to promote the completion of the major objectives and tasks, and its implementation ensures our party has effectively fullfiled many important objectives and tasks during the revolutionary war and in the course of socialist construction. However, with the transformation of the society, the basis of PM in our party has changed. In this background, from the perspective of governance theory, if our party wants to make the most of the advantages of PM based on the rule-by-law principle, on one hand, our party must strengthen the party’s guide to social ideology to improve our party’s social integration ability through own efforts; on the other hand, our party can transfer from a single-party PM to a multiple-subject social mobilization by means of the cooperation with a variety of governance subjects, including non-governmental organizations.
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