On the Legal Consequences of the Regardless of Corporate Entity
中文关键词:  公司法人格否认制度  法律后果  连带责任  不真正连带责任
English Keywords:The Regardless of Corporate Entity  legal consequences  joint liability  not really joint liability
Fund Project:
匡俊 中国政法大学 民商经济法学院 北京100088 
摘要点击次数: 994
全文下载次数: 1023
English Summary:
      Our Company Law makes provision for The Regardless of Corporate Entity, and this article makes detailed analysis on the legal consequences of The Regardless of Corporate Entity. To the company, the company independent personality is denied in specific law relationship; To the shareholder, the shareholder should be liable for the company debt which is caused by his misuse of the company law personality behavior, the relationship between the shareholder and the company is not really the joint debt. The shareholder bears final responsibility, the shareholders who have common abusive behavior bear joint liability of the company debt, and the limit of the shareholders’ liability should be the loss of the company caused by its improper conduct.
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