The Comprehensive Development of the Future Fate of the Perspective of the Height
中文关键词:  人的全面发展  命运  自我把握
English Keywords:round development of people  fate  grasp
Fund Project:
李印锋,孔磊① 新疆师范大学 法经学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054 
摘要点击次数: 882
全文下载次数: 806
English Summary:
      Pursue the comprehensive development of human existence and development of the fundamental starting point and destination point. The fate of the future, people are able to grasp the side of course, there can not grasp the side, so we should improve in the spirit of the field of the human spirit realm of life, face the reality of life, make the appropriate response to make German industry the times, successful enrichment of life; in the real field and strive with the message, and when the times are changing and; in the endless time and space coordinates to find their place, winning thousands of miles of the eye to observe the social, face reality, detectors in the heart of life strategist, face fate.
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