The Philosophical Analysis about Alienation and Return of Thoughts in the Social Evolution
中文关键词:  思想异化  思想回归  社会演变  哲学分析
English Keywords:alienation of thoughts  return of thoughts  social evolution  philosophical analysis
Fund Project:
钱秋月 闽南理工学院 思政部福建 石狮 362700 
摘要点击次数: 917
全文下载次数: 782
English Summary:
      Through the use of Marx's theory of dialectical materialism, the article is mainly about the analysis of alienation and return of thoughts in the social evolution. Combining the history and the reality, it also analyzes the complicated process and reason about alienation and return of thoughts thoughtfully and comprehensively. In addition, the purpose of the article is that we should learn to use the correct philosophy in today’s social change and the diversity of thought and ideology, because the correct philosophy can help us analyze, judge and choose which ideology and culture should be absorbed or be abandoned. At last, it can achieve the absorption of positive ingredients and the resistance of negative ingredients in the process of thoughts’ alienation, which can lead to the health, coordination and development of the person, society and nature.
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