The Exploration on the Service Contract of Invitrofertilization
中文关键词:  人工辅助生殖  服务合同  权利义务
English Keywords:invitrofertilization  service contract  right and obligation
Fund Project:
段双妮,田代飞①,段双霞①,肖卫华② 南华大学 公共卫生学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 924
全文下载次数: 844
English Summary:
      The number of patients with infertility and sterility in China is more than forty million. It is 12.5% of the total population in China, and it is rapidly increasing. The number of couples who look for the assistance of invitrofertilization service,and the cases of medical dispute are also increasing. This article will explore the contractual relationship in invitrofertilization service from the angle of contractual law, clarify the rights and obligations of both the medical service provider and receiver, regulate the behaviors of medical services , discuss the compensation of contract violation in the invitrofertilization service contract. This article will provide a clinic legal framework for the invitrofertilization service contract in China.
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