安宸.基于扩展(Lag-Augmented) VAR 模型的国防支出与经济增长的因果关系检验[J].,2011,12(2):33-36
基于扩展(Lag-Augmented) VAR 模型的国防支出与经济增长的因果关系检验
Causality Test of Defense Spending and Economic Growth Based on Lag-Augmented VAR Model
中文关键词:  国防支出  经济增长  因果检验  军民结合
English Keywords:defense spending  economic growth  causality test  the combination of military and civillian
Fund Project:
安宸 湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 856
全文下载次数: 868
English Summary:
      The velationship of defense spending and economic growth has always been the focused topicforeconomists.Scholans have been finding the theoretical basis for explaining the velationship between them but the conclusions are often uncertain.What is on earth the relationslip between China's defense spending and economic growth needs empirical tests.By the comments of the previous empirical literature and empirical data analysis,the article chooses Lag-Augmented VAR model to test the causality of China’s defense spending and economic growth.The conclusion proves that there is only one-way causation from economic growth to defense spending.
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