Research on the Cultivation of the Innovative Ability of the Master Graduate Students of Management Science and Engineer
中文关键词:  管理科学与工程  硕士研究生  创新能力培养
English Keywords:management science and engineer  Master postgraduate  cultivation of the innovative ability
Fund Project:
邹树梁,张彩平① 南华大学 核能经济与管理研究中心湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1160
全文下载次数: 1163
English Summary:
      Ability to innovate is the soul of postgraduate education. Cultivation of innovative ability is the core and basic target of high quality talents.The paper analyzes the essence of the innovation, divides the innovation form into theory innovation and method innovation. Then, according to the characteristic of management science and engineer and different definition of innovative ability position between the Doctoral and Master postgraduates. Finally, the paper positions the innovative ability of Master graduate of management science and engineer as method innovation and discusses the ways to cultivate the innovative ability of Master graduate students of management science and engineer, which provides the theory guidance for Master graduate education and talents cultivation goal of management science and engineer.
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