张丹.隐喻与转喻—— 认知的两大基石[J].,2010,11(6):99-101
隐喻与转喻—— 认知的两大基石
Metaphor and Metonymy—— two footstones of cognition
中文关键词:  认知语言学  隐喻  转喻  相似性  临近性
English Keywords:cognitive linguistics  metaphor  metonymy  similarity  contiguity
Fund Project:
张丹 湖南中医药大学湖南 长沙 410208 
摘要点击次数: 893
全文下载次数: 602
English Summary:
      The present paper starts from the cognitive linguistics, probing into the inseparable relationship among the language, human mind and cognition. Metaphor and metonymy, with great cognitive functions, are two important cognitive approaches rather than single language phenomena. Metaphor takes similarity as its base, while metonymy depends on contiguity in human mind, so metonymy is not a kind of metaphor as some scholars supposed it to be. Metaphor and metonymy can be assumed as two footstones of human cognition, and should stand as two independent approaches to share the equal importance and power in human cognition.
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