Research into the Influence of Zen Culture on the Japanese Classical Haiku Poetry
中文关键词:  日本禅宗文化  自然观  文化审美  古典俳句
English Keywords:Japanese Zen culture  view of nature  culture asthetic  classical Haiku
Fund Project:
吴波 南华大学 外国语学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 935
全文下载次数: 592
English Summary:
      Japanese Zen Buddhism has made its appearance as the hard core of Japanese culture owing to its unique philosophical thinking and the localization of idea expression. As an important role in the Japanese culture since the Kamakura times, it has not only constructed the Japanese’s philosophy of life, but also influenced the tone of Japanese literary and artistic beauty. Moreover, being one of the most representative traditional forms of Japanese verse, Haiku has gripped the dim light of natural beauty and metaphysical thoughts of the poets. Deeply influenced by Japanese Zen culture, the Haiku, characterized by concise language and abundant cultural elements in Zen, emphasizes the purity and elegance of the overall style.
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