Bring the Incentive System into Intellectual Property Law in All Aspects and Entire Process from Economic Law Point of View——how to obtain actual effect on implementation of intellectual property strategy
中文关键词:  激励  智力权  知识产权战略
English Keywords:incentive  intelligence right  strategy
Fund Project:
陈乃新,丁滢① 湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 867
全文下载次数: 704
English Summary:
      The soul of intellectual property law is inspiring people of knowledge creation. Now the intellectual property law, including copyright law, patent law, Trademark Law and so on, is protecting the intelligence fruit right (intangible property rights) primarily, which made the intellectual property law confined to the civil law and the administrative law. Because the intelligence fruit right is one manifestation of intelligence right, we should not only protect the intelligence fruit right but also the intelligence right if we want to inspire the creation of knowledge. In order to protect the intelligence right, we must bring the Incentive System into Intellectual Property Law in all aspects and entire process. Increasing the institution of ability of creating knowledge, quality of intelligence fruit, application of intelligence fruit and management of implementation of intellectual property strategy into the intellectual property law, as well as adding the intellectual property incentive procedural law will enrich the intellectual property law, make the obtain of actual effect on implementation of intellectual property strategy better.
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