Building a New Model of Information Resource in Medical Library as User Needed
中文关键词:  医学专业图书馆  信息资源建设  用户需求  模式  服务
English Keywords:medical library  user needed  model  information resource  service
Fund Project:
刘泓苇,禹正杨①,曹仁贤②,郭涛③ 南华大学 附属第一医院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1227
全文下载次数: 932
English Summary:
      As great changes have taken place in many aspect of the medical information service——such as the content of service, the object of service, the method of service and the model of service,etc. the medical library are faced up to more and more opportunities, regulations and challenges with quick development of the information age. That means the medical library should integrate information resources, build one uniform platform with library information resource sharing, promote efficiency to supply diversified and satisfied information service. This paper is devoted to make some efforts to disscuss the total goal, the requirement, the construction pattern as well as the concrete measure of new model of information system in medical library as user needed.
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