Cognitive Interpretation on the Meaning Construction of Poetic Metaphors Based on Conceptual Integration Theory
中文关键词:  概念整合理论  诗性隐喻  心理空间
English Keywords:conceptual integration theory  poetic metaphor  mental space
Fund Project:
岳好平,汪虹① 湖南农业大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙 410128 
摘要点击次数: 1047
全文下载次数: 1184
      诗性隐喻有别于常规隐喻,大多属于创新性隐喻。由于诗性隐喻的超常规性,它们的理解就需要借助较为复杂的多空间投射机制。Fauconnier & Turner的概念合成理论是能够解读诗性隐喻等诸多语言认知活动的重要理论模式。文章利用概念整合网络分别解析了与文学、幽默、政治、诗歌相关联的诗性隐喻,对其隐喻意义建构的认知机制进行了较为详尽的描述,将其认知过程动态性地展示出来,以期论证概念合成理论框架下诗性隐喻认知阐释的可行性。
English Summary:
      Distinguished from conventional metaphors, poetic metaphors mostly are creative ones. Due to their unconventionality, they would be learnt with complex mechanism of multi-space projection. Fauconnier & Turner’s conceptual integration theory is an important theoretical modal which can analyze many cognitive activities of language, such as poetic metaphors. This paper interprets poetic metaphors relating to literature, humor, politics and poems by virtue of conceptual integration networks, and it makes an explicit description about the cognitive mechanism of meaning construction by displaying the dynamic cognitive process, for the purpose of demonstrating the feasibility of the cognitive explanation of emotional metaphors within the framework of conceptual integration theory.
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