“Significant -theme”,“High-level”,“First-hand” :Ye Yonglie’s Distinctive Features of Historical Reportage from Deng Xiaoping Changed China
中文关键词:  “大题材”  “第一手”  “高层次”  史传报告
English Keywords:“Significant -theme”  “High-level”  “First-hand”
Fund Project:
王慧 湖南大学 语言文学学院湖南 长沙 410083 
摘要点击次数: 822
全文下载次数: 682
English Summary:
      “Significant -theme”,“High-level”,“First-hand” are Ye Yonglie’s principles of writing, he mentioned them for several times but didn't explain the implications; critics quoted the statement without defining the meanings either. I think the three words accurately summed up Ye Yonglie’s distinctive features . According to Ye Yonglie’s Literary creation,I’d like to modify the sequence more reasonably : “Significant-theme”—— Originality of political theme ;“First-hand”——scientific rationality,reconstructed by the historical facts; “High-level”——compatibility, combined the history and the literature perfectly; and try to take Deng Xiaoping Changed China as the point of penetration, glimpse at the three features of Ye Yonglie’s historical reportage writing and the significance to the development of historical reportage.
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