An Analysis of Subhealth State of College Students and Contributing Factors——with students of University of South China as an example
中文关键词:  大学生  亚健康状态  影响因素
English Keywords:college student  sub-health status  influencing factor of sub-heal
Fund Project:
李军,欧阳轶① 南华大学 体育教学部湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 918
全文下载次数: 783
      了解南华大学学生亚健康状态分布情况及影响因素,为开展大学生健康教育和促进学生健康提供依据。通过采用亚健康自测量表(中国卫教所颁布)和自行设计的亚健康影响因素调查表对817名在校大学生的亚健康状态分布和影响因素进行调查, 用Logistic回归分析亚健康状态影响因素。结论:我校应加强大学生健康教育,开展多种形式的健康讲座、活动以及干预性的研究工作,促进和确保学生身心健康,为更好就业、适应社会提供保障。
English Summary:
      To study the distribution and influencing factor of sub-health among college students in the university of South China, in order to provide help for health educating and promoting among college students . A sampling investigation has been carried out to investigate the distribution and influencing factor of sub-health among 817 college students by using measuring scale of sub-health and a self-designed questionnaire of sub-health.The Health educating among college students should be strengthened by diverse health lectures, health activities and intervention research,in order to ensure body and mental health for better employment, adapting to society and challenging future.
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