Research on the Features and Tendencies of Japanese Law——from the perspective of contemporary mixed law evolution of Japan
中文关键词:  英美法系  日本国宪法  法治现代化  混合法
English Keywords:Anglo-American law system  The Constitution of Japan  legal modernization  mixed law
Fund Project:
张小虎 湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 736
全文下载次数: 946
English Summary:
      As a typical representative of the mixed law countries, Japanese has changed its legal system with several stages that including studying from China, French, German and the United States etc. In the process of legal succession and legal transplantation, Japan had transited from slavery to feudalism and then to capitalism step by step. According to a series absorptions and innovations, Japan has become the second largest economy in the capitalist world. Especially after defeated by the U.S. in World War II, Japan was under the allied army occupation and then reconstructed, it accepted some legal principles and ideas of Anglo-American law system with the American law as the representative. The Constitution of Japan in 1946 reflected the “separation of powers”, “restriction of powers” incisively and vividly. This paper studits from the point of Japanese legal modernization course under the influence of Anglo-American law system after World War II and summarizes the features and trends of modern Japanese law in mixing process.
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