The Reasons of the Budding of NATO’s “Dual-Track” Solution by the Urged of the FRG
中文关键词:  冷战  联邦德国  北约  “双重决议”
English Keywords:Cold War  the FRG  NATO  the “Dual-Track” Solution
Fund Project:
刘芝平 南昌航空大学 马克思主义学院江西 南昌 330063 
摘要点击次数: 892
全文下载次数: 901
English Summary:
      In the late of 1970s, the balance of nuclear power between NATO and the Warsaw Pact in Europe had been damaged because of the deployment of SS-20 by the Soviet until the “dual-track” solution was put into practice. And the“dual-track” solution was in its infancy under the impetus of the Federal Republic of Germany, and this article discusses the reasons of the thing. There are there reasons. Firstly, the strategy on the balance of power is the theoretical basis that Prime Minister Schmidt promoted the dual resolution shoot. Secondly, The damaging of the balance of nuclear power, the devastating effects of nuclear weapons, and its own special location forced the FRG to seek countermeasures actively. Thirdly, German public's distrust in the Soviets supported Schmidt’s hard policy toward the Warsaw Pact.
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