Another 30 Years: Worship Times of Literature——Chinese literature and writing investigation for the early 50s to the early 80s of the last century
中文关键词:  文学膜拜  政治  写作  阅读  超越  思想
English Keywords:literature worship  politics  writing  reading  beyond  ideas
Fund Project:
刘江 柳州铁道职业技术学院 科研处, 广西 柳州 545007 
摘要点击次数: 676
全文下载次数: 876
      上世纪50年代初到80 年代初,是我国文学的膜拜时代。一方面是全民对于文学的膜拜,另一方面是许多受到膜拜的文学作品的问世。当时,无论阅读还是写作,都是政治化了的。但是,那时的文学作品,却又超越了政治,带有比政治更为宽广的文化意义;那时的文学阅读,偏重了思想的吸收,但仍然具有欣赏的意味。文学的膜拜时代告诉我们:文学并不反对写阶级斗争,但要超越阶级斗争;文学并不与政治无关,但不能只与政治有关。从政治走向文化,这才是文学之道。而阅读和欣赏,既不能只在思想方面,但作品的思想也应该是阅读和欣赏的重要内容。
English Summary:
      The early 50s to the early 80s in the last century, is the worship times of Chinese literature. On the one hand, all the people worship the Literature; on the other hand, many worshiped literary works came out. At the time, both reading and writing are politicized .However, the literary works of that time were beyond the politics with more cultural significance; at that time, literature reading was emphasizing absorption of ideas, but still enjoying the flavor. The worship times of Literature is to tell us: it does not object to the class struggle, but beyond the class struggle; literature does not have nothing to do with politics, but is not related only with politics. From the politics to the culture, this is the road of literature. Reading and enjoying can not be only ideological, but the works idea should also be the important content to read and appreciate.
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