On Ruling Administrative Relationship between College and Students by Law
中文关键词:  行政关系  高校管理权  法治化  分类  规范路径
English Keywords:administrative relationship  college’s management power  rule by law  classification  rule pathway
Fund Project:
黄全 中国民航大学 法学院天津 300300 
摘要点击次数: 857
全文下载次数: 622
English Summary:
      The feature of relationship between college and students is administrative. The administrative relationship between college and students should be ruled by law out of protecting students’ rights and interests, restricting college’s management power and relationship between college and students. The college’s management power should be ruled by classification on the standard of its influence degree. The college’s management power which influences students’ important rights should be ruled by principles and systems of law reservation and law priority in substantive law, due process and hearing procedure in procedural law and judicial review in litigation law. Except for that above mentioned it should be ruled by systems of teacher professional ethics in ethical law, openness and participation in procedural law and internal special relief in relief law.
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