The Empirical Analysis on Recent Situatiom and Reasonsof the Loss of Citizens’ Spirit of Law in China
中文关键词:  社会建设  法治精神  现状  原因
English Keywords:social construction  the spirit of law  actuality  reasons
Fund Project:
邓淇 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 767
全文下载次数: 709
English Summary:
      The article focused on the isomorphism of social construction and the spirit of law,took social construction as the angle, on the basis of empirical investigation and study, combined theory with practice, through the actual thinking of social theory study on present citizens in China,to interpret the present situation of citizens’s pirit of law in China in the field of social construction from the level of view, purpose and content. Meanwhile, it was concluded that citizens don’t possess the spirit of law universally in China. The article attached great importance to analyse the reasons in the following four aspects:the culture, the economy ,the society constructure and benefit demands.
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