Glory can not be Transferred——legal pondering of dissimilation works of authorship
中文关键词:  署名权  商品化  合理限制
English Keywords:right of authorship  commercialization  reasonable restrictions  
Fund Project:
SUN Lin /a>
Hebei University of Economics and Business/a>;Shijiazhuang 050061/a>;China
摘要点击次数: 1047
全文下载次数: 11
English Summary:
      Right of authorship is one of the most important manifestation of the interests spirit of copyright;its intrinsic properties determine the right of authorship has the inalienable nature.But in real life,right of authorship emerges in the use of alienation,such as casual augmenting signing,casual exchanging signing,due to inability to pay the publishing house,selling their right of authorship and so on.The right of authorship should protect the private and social public interests and be restricted in the use...
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