A Brief Research on Attribution of Defective Product Forced Recall in Economic Law
中文关键词:  缺陷产品  强制召回  经济法责任
English Keywords:defective product  forced recall  economic law responsibility  
Fund Project:
ZHU Qian /a>
University of South China/a>;Hengyang 421001/a>;China
摘要点击次数: 1146
全文下载次数: 10
English Summary:
      Forced recall system is an important componet of economic law system.In substance,forced recall differs from voluntary recall which is vested to civil obligation.As a form of economic responsibility,forced recall of defective products is based on overall economic interests of large-scale socialized production,what's more,it reflects the relief and maintenance not only to consumers' personal and property safety,but also to the fair competition of operators.
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