On The Conflict of Interest and Interest Integration from the Perspective of the Harmonious Society
中文关键词:  和谐社会  利益冲突  利益分化  利益整合
English Keywords:harmonious society  conflict of interest  interest differentiation  interest integration  
Fund Project:
YANG Lian /a>
The School of Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China/a>;Changsha 410006/a>;China
摘要点击次数: 943
全文下载次数: 11
English Summary:
      With transition of China from tradition to modern,all kinds of conflicts of interests are becoming more and more outstanding.Conflicts of interest have characteristics of long-term,universality and biodiversity.At the present stage,China's main conflict of interests and needs are diversified.Material interests contradiction is in the central position.Income gap caused contradiction.Social interests expression mechanism is not perfect,and conflict of interest groups are sharpened.Conflicts of interest is roo...
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