唐旭.詹姆斯·乔伊斯早期对意识流的探索[J].,2010,11(2):96-100 |
詹姆斯·乔伊斯早期对意识流的探索 |
Research on Stream of Consciousness in James Joyce’s Early Works |
投稿时间:2010-02-28 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 《都柏林人》 《青年艺术家的画像》 意识流 精神顿悟 瘫痪 成长 |
English Keywords:Dubliners The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Stream of Consciousness spiritual epiphany paralysis growth |
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中文摘要: |
意识流标志着西方的小说技巧、文学观念、哲学思维从现实主义向现代主义转化。乔伊斯最大的成就是为意识流小说发展做出了巨大贡献。在早期创作过程中,他运用精神顿悟不带成见、不加评论地描写生活,使读者在《都柏林人》中感受到他与书中描写的生活有着直接的联系。在《青年艺术家的画像》中,感官印象、自由联想和内心独白等意识流技巧得到更广泛地运用,人物的思想和行为好像被一个无形的、冷漠超然的创造者创造出来。文章重点探究的是意识流艺术形式与文本主题之间的联系,阐释艺术形式对主题的演绎和深化。 |
English Summary: |
Stream of consciousness marks the transition of western literary techniques, literary concepts and philosophical thoughts from realism to modernism. Joyce’s greatest contribution lies in his developing stream of consciousness novels. In his early literary creation, Joyce employs epiphany to depict life without prejudice as well as without comments so that the readers can sense his direct connection with the described life in Dubliners. In The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, sensual impression, free imagination and soliloquy have been widely used in which the thoughts and behaviors of the characters seem to be created by a formless, cool and superior creator. In this paper, we mainly focus on the connection between artistic form and textual theme in order to explore the deep meanings of Joyce’s early works. |
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