Functional Fquivalent Translation of Hypotaxis and Parataxis in the English Version of Fu Sheng Liu Ji
中文关键词:  功能对等  形合  意合  《浮生六记》
English Keywords:functional equivalence  hypotaxis  parataxis  Fu Sheng Liu Ji
Fund Project:
冯巧妮 南华大学 外语学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1072
全文下载次数: 981
English Summary:
      This paper mainly discusses the way to achieve functional equivalence in translation of hypotaxis and parataxis and summarizes a general principle that must be observed in this translation process. When this principle is applied to deal with functional equivalent translation of hypotaxis and parataxis in literal works, there are generally three cases: first, both the form and the function are almost maintained; second, the function is maintained, but the form is altered; third, the function is maintained, but the form is cancelled. By analyzing a great deal of examples cited from the English version of Fu Sheng Liu Ji, the paper performs a full demonstration of functional equivalent translation of hypotaxis and parataxis.
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