The Comparative Research and Enlightenment about the System of Administrative Guidance between China and America
中文关键词:  行政指导制度  比较研究  反思
English Keywords:the system of administrative guidance  comparative research  reflection
Fund Project:
周峰 广东省物价局广东 广州 510040 
摘要点击次数: 839
全文下载次数: 812
English Summary:
      Administrative guidance with the features of diversity, administrative and non-mandatory is an important complement to the traditional means of administration, and plays an important role in the administration. In the development of administrative guidance, administrative guidance system has different characteristics about evolution process, legislative status and the degree of development in China and America. We can know shortcomings about administrative guidance system in China through comparison, and learn from the successful legislative and judicial experience of America. Then we may perfect principles, legislative and relief system of administrative guidance system in order to promote administration according to law and implement the rule of law.
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