Research on Formulation of the Market Competition Law——based on confirming,setting and protecting the right of market competitiveness
中文关键词:  市场竞争  市场竞争力权  市场竞争法通则
English Keywords:market competition  the ability of creating wealth  the right of market competitivenes
Fund Project:
陈乃新,扶婷① 湘潭大学 法学院 湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 955
全文下载次数: 675
English Summary:
      Market economy based on the socialized production is a type of transaction competitive economy.Competition law plays an important role in the market economy.But the development of market economy and the limitations of existing competition law does not lead to the reunification of the legal system and the social effect in adjusting the relation between market competition is not significant,therefore it is needed to develop a basic law —— general clauses of market competition law which regulates the market competition to resolve the issues in the current market competition. The core of it is to confirm settings and protect the right of market competitiveness, and implement the free development of market competitiveness,free development of market competition and the right of together development of absolute principle.
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