Talk on Corporate Social Responsibility from the Donationgate Case
中文关键词:  捐款门事件  企业社会责任  完善
English Keywords:Donationgate case  corporate social responsibility  perfect
Fund Project:
杨正灼 四川省社会科学院 法学所四川 成都 610071 
摘要点击次数: 966
全文下载次数: 853
English Summary:
      The donationgate case initiated by Wenchuan earthquake reflects some facts. On the one hand, it shows differences of corporate social responsibility between different corporations under different cultural backgrounds. On another hand, it reveals that there is an imperfect corporate social responsibility in China. Following the enhanced strength of domestic enterprises and the aroused consciousness of social responsibility, it is necessary that we must strengthen the external driving force, from governmental, non-governmental organizations, consumers, public and other stakeholders, to force corporations fulfills their social responsibility, in order to form a good dynamic mechanism of corporate social responsibility. This paper,using the series of events caused by earthquakes as an entry point,analyses the difference of corporate social responsibility between China and the West and presents some ideas about China.
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