On the Localization and Realization of Duty Dereliction Resignation under a Comparison Between China and the West
中文关键词:  引咎辞职  责任政府  委托代理  本土化  路径选择
English Keywords:Duty Dereliction Resignation  responsible government  principal-agent  localization  route selection
Fund Project:
曾婧婧 福建师范大学 公共管理学院,福建 福州 350007 
摘要点击次数: 787
全文下载次数: 799
English Summary:
      Duty Dereliction Resignation, whose jurisprudential cornerstone is building responsible government and the asymmetrical information from the principal-agent, is a kind of exotics to China, but takes root in the system of west civil servant. We can easily find that in western countries, Duty Dereliction Resignation is based on Value Rationality over years by comparing the differences between China and the west in the aspects of behavior dynamics, accountability means, acceptability, sphere of application and so on. In order to make Duty Dereliction Resignation suit the real condition of China and realize the dialectical interactivity between Value Rationality and Instrumental Rationality, we can implement it from the angles of its operation specimen, perfecting merit system, clearing officers’ responsibility, cultivating responsible consciousness, consummating safeguardsystem, and so on.
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