潘群辉,贾德江①.《水浒传》两译本的粗俗语英译评析——以 “屁”的翻译为例[J].,2009,10(6):106-109
《水浒传》两译本的粗俗语英译评析——以 “屁”的翻译为例
A Study of the Translation of the Vulgar Language in Tales of the Marshes
中文关键词:  社会符号学  功能  意义  对等  
English Keywords:sociosemiotics  function  meaning  equivalence  “pi”
Fund Project:
潘群辉,贾德江① 南华大学 外国语学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 717
全文下载次数: 933
English Summary:
      Sociosemiotic approach to translation can provide theoretical guidance for translation practice, emphasizing that translation is a cross-lingual and cross-cultural communication process. As translation is translating meaning, the ST-TT sociosemiotic equivalence in meaning and function must be realized to the fullest extent. The paper tends to apply the approach to the translation of “pi” in Tales of the Marshes and probe into the tranlation methods by comparing two English versions.
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