A Comparative Analysis of Theme-Rheme Structures in the Two English Versions of Chaitoufeng
中文关键词:  主位结构  诗歌翻译  《钗头凤》
English Keywords:theme-rheme structure  poetic translation  Chaitoufeng
Fund Project:
李芝,戈玲玲① 南华大学 外国语学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 664
全文下载次数: 761
English Summary:
      Poems are the essence of a language, and they are a kind of outstanding manifestations of arts. The author attempts to employ Halliday’s theory of the theme-rheme structure to make a comparative study on the theme-rheme structures in the two English versions of Chaitoufeng written by Lu You, and finds out, by means of analyzing the theme-rheme structure of a discourse, the translator can understand the information distribution of the discourse better and then know the content and the meaning of the discourse deeper, so he or she can reduce the subjective factors in translating, and as a result the translation will be more objective and faithful.
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