Philosophical Reflection on Thinking: the Basis of Achieving Effective Teaching Reflection for Teachers
中文关键词:  教学反思  哲学反思思维  思维水平和品质
English Keywords:teaching reflection  philosophical reflection on thinking  thinking level and quality
Fund Project:
王俊礼,阳德华① 西华师范大学 教育科学与技术学院, 四川 南充 637002 
摘要点击次数: 888
全文下载次数: 716
English Summary:
      Reflection is the basic characteristic and manifestation of the philosophical thought. Teaching reflection which happens in the real education and teaching field is a specific reflection, and its nature belongs to philosophy.The implementation effect of the teaching reflection can’t be separated from the level of the teachers’ thought operation. Only such teaching reflection which is guided by the philosophical reflection thought can be called the one in the true sense. To cultivate the teachers’ philosophical reflection thought, we should not only pay attention to how to raise the thoroughness of the teachers’ research into the teaching reflection objects, but attend to how to cultivate the teachers’ abilities to reflect their reflection thought itself. Only raising the teachers’ abilities of philosophical reflection in practice continuously and making their thinking operation advance to the field of philosophy can we lay a solid foundation for the effective implementation of the teaching reflection.
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