Probing、Creating and Transcending
中文关键词:  块茎  断片  解构  断片研究方法
English Keywords:tuber  fragment  deconstruct  fragmental research method
Fund Project:
杨小旭,顾英① 贵州师范大学 教育科学院贵州 贵阳 550001 
摘要点击次数: 936
全文下载次数: 705
English Summary:
      It is necessary to innovate the educational research methods. Post-modernism emphasizes the fragment、non-consistency、openness, and there are many representatives such as Deleuze 、Derrida and Lodge, who underscore change or rectify the ideas in people’s mind for long time. Deleuze appeals to the idea of tuber,Derrida deconstructs the importance of the writer’s participation and Lodge advocates the writing principle of non-consistency. All of their ideas are the basic theories of the fragmental research method. The fragmental research method emphasizes the absence of the researchers,the non-logy of the research process, the multi-angles for finding information and the fragmental form of the presence of the outcome. The fragmental research methods mentioned above except the multi-angles for finding information are the differences between fragmental and qualitative research method.
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