Strategic Thiking about Promoting Great-leap-forwardDevelopment of Hengyang’s Cultural Industry
中文关键词:  衡阳市  文化产业  跨越式发展  战略思考
English Keywords:Hengyang city  cultural industries  leap-forward development  strategic thinking
Fund Project:
周晓阳,李志强① 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1097
全文下载次数: 977
English Summary:
      With the world economy changing from the traditional physical economy it has to the future cultural econorny in the context of the times, not only an objective necessity, but also a real possibility of making cultural industry the pillar of social industries to realize great-leap-forward development of Hengyang’s cultural industry. This paper presents strategic visions:The first is to renew our concept to develop a scientific and rational development of cultural industries in strategic planning; The second is to act locally, broaden their horizons, build the cultural brand of Hengyang with the regional characteristics; The third is to innovate mechanisms to cultivate talents, create a favorable social environment.
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