Politeness in Chinese and English Magazine Cosmetic Advertisements
中文关键词:  中英文杂志化妆品广告  杂志化妆品广告  礼貌  策略  跨文化对比
English Keywords:CEMCAds  CMCAds  EMCAds  politeness  strategy
Fund Project:
李志坚 金陵科技学院 外国语学院江苏 南京 211169 
摘要点击次数: 882
全文下载次数: 843
English Summary:
      Having classified and analyzed more than seven hundred Chinese and English Magazine Cosmetic Advertisements (CEMCAds) within the framework of Brown and Levinson’s FST(Face-saving Theory) and a relatively careful discussion of the politeness strategies in them, this paper comes to the conclusions below:1.To avoid threatening target consumers’ face, CEMCAds adopt redressive strategies widely. 2, The use of personal honorifics is the unique phenomenon of Chinese Magazine Cosmetic Advertisements (CMCAds). 3,Westerners care more about saving the hearers’ negative faces. In other words, they value more in keeping an individual’s rights of freedom of not being interfered, coerced and impinged; while the Chinese people emphasize more collective rights, at the same time lay more stress on maintaining an individual’s positive face-wants. 4, Whether a speech act is polite or impolite depends on context and has to do with H’s will. 5, Specific strategies are featuring openness or development. 6, Explanations are found for the reasons why some speech acts, such as ‘Professions’, ‘Self-praise’, ‘Notion guiding’, ‘Instructions ’, ‘Decision for H’ are very likely to be viewed as FTA(Face Threat Action) in other contexts, but not in CEMCAds. 7, Finally, this paper has summarized and analyzed the fresh strategies in CEMCAds.
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