“qie(且)+ VP”Imperative Sentence and its Function Transformation
中文关键词:  “且+VP”祈使句  话题标记  功能转变
English Keywords:" qie(且)+ VP" imperative sentence  topic marker  function transformation
Fund Project:
龚峰 苏州大学 文学院江苏 苏州215123 
摘要点击次数: 918
全文下载次数: 541
English Summary:
      " qie(且)+ VP" imperative sentence has been used in the Western Han period,which means the speaker requests hearer doing something for the time being. It was widespread used in Tang and Song dynasties, particularly in the Chan literature. Since then,the pragmatic functions of " qie(且)+ VP" appears differentiation: the imperative marker " qie(且)+ VP" transform to the topic marker. This shift has three reasons: First, "VP" provided the basis for changes in semantics; second, the position of " qie(且)+ VP" in the sentence prompts the conversion to the topic marked; third, a series of other similar topic conversion markers in Tang and Song Dynasties have played a contributory role.
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