The logical Premise of Mencius’s View of Morality and Benefit
中文关键词:  孟子  义利观  仁政  君主    
English Keywords:Mencius  the view of morality and benefit  the merciful policy  the emperor  the intellectuals  the people
Fund Project:
王晚霞 湖南科技学院 濂溪研究所湖南 永州 425100 
摘要点击次数: 793
全文下载次数: 786
English Summary:
      There is double meanings in the view of Mencius’s morality and benefit,reflecting double relationship.The first is the relationship between the emperor and the people. It is mainly about the rules of benefit,which requires that the emperor should share the happiness and worries with the people.It includes three points.The first is that the emperor should cherish the lives of the people to stabilize them;secondly, the emperor should regulate people’s belongs to enrich the people.Thirdly,the emperor should educate and listen to the people to nurture the people.In addition,the emperor should better obtain from people abstemiously.The other relationship is between the emperor and the intellectuals,which is mainly about the morality.It requires that the emperor should respect not only the intellectuals, but also the spirit of the intellectuals. The logical premise of the double relationship is to ensure the dominion stably.
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