On Mao Zedong's Nuclear Ethical Thought and its Epochal Value
中文关键词:  毛泽东  核伦理  价值
English Keywords:Mao Zedong  Nuclear Ethical Thought  Value
Fund Project:
刘毅,刘镇江① 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 794
全文下载次数: 742
English Summary:
      Mao Zedong’s Nuclear Ethical Thought is the profound reflection of his theory about value of nuclear weapons. It is the wisdom fruition of the first generation leaders of Communist Party of China with Mao Zedong as the core. Mao Zedong’s Nuclear Ethical Thought centers on some issues related to value of nuclear weapons. Its basic content is the starategic defiance of the military role of nuclear weapons, paying more attention to the political value of nuclear weapons in tactics, and its essence is to safeguard the fundamental interests of the majority of the people, defend the national security and maintain world's peace. It has has important practical significance to summarize and study these ideas deeply for building a socialist harmonious society and harmonious world.
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