A Contrastive Study of the Conflicts between the “Two Cultures” in Chinese and Western Contexts
中文关键词:  语境  两种文化  科学主义  人文主义  冲突
English Keywords:context  Two Cultures  scientism  humanities  conflicts
Fund Project:
王建平 湖南第一师范学院 教育科学系 湖南 长沙 410002 
摘要点击次数: 836
全文下载次数: 723
English Summary:
      The conflicts between the “Two Cultures” are of great difference in meaning and characteristics in Chinese and Western contexts though they are a universal phenomenon in the world. The conflicts between the “Two Cultures” in the west arise as a result of the advance of “scientism” while there is no “scientism” of real meaning in China. The above-mentioned conflicts in the west take place among parties of equal status while in the Chinese context the basis for such an equal interaction is still of absence. The “Two Cultures” in the western context result in two social groups with opposing standings which do not emerge in China. The conflicts between the “Two Cultures” in the west occur due to the fact that science predominates over humanities while in China the latter predominates over the former.
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