A Relevance-Translation Theoretic Approach to Chinese Idioms Translation
中文关键词:  汉语习语  关连翻译理论  最佳关联  译者
English Keywords:Chinese idioms  Relevance-Translation Theory  optimal relevance  translator
Fund Project:
邹馨,贾德江① 南华大学 外国语学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 884
全文下载次数: 866
English Summary:
      Because of its complicated cultural background, the translation of Chinese idioms is always a hot topic that many scholars have discussed for a long time. People tend to consider idiom translation from the angle of culture, focusing on the difference between the two cultures. But it seems not all the idiom translation problems can be solved from the angle of culture. This essay is trying to use the relevance-translation theory to solve some problems in idiom translation,and thinks the translator should consider both the intention of the author and the expectation of the audience to reach optimal relevance. It also concludes some translation methods on the basis of idioms translation in Hong Lou Meng.
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