On the Right to be Elected in the Perspective of the Political Civilization
中文关键词:  政治文明  被选举权  理论研究  阻碍  竞争性选举
English Keywords:political civilization  the right to be elected  theoretical research  hinder  competitive elections
Fund Project:
高景林 常州市广播电视大学 江苏 常州 213001 
摘要点击次数: 924
全文下载次数: 844
English Summary:
      The right to be elected is a basic political right of the people,which can best embody the essence of the attributes and values.For a long time,there are very few systematic theoretical studies for it, and a lot of problems in realization affecting the construction of socialist democratic politics. This paper presents rational thinking for the content, characteristics and significance of the right to be elected, and explores the main reason for the increasing desire and the main obstacles of reality, the implementation of competitive elections in order to guide the reform of the electoral system to better achieve the right to be elected and develop socialist political civilization.
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