The Development of Russia’s Party Politicsafter the Disintergration of the Soviet Union
中文关键词:  俄罗斯  政党  政党政治
English Keywords:Russia  party  party politics
Fund Project:
林怀艺 华侨大学 人文与公共管理学院, 福建 泉州 362021 
摘要点击次数: 827
全文下载次数: 1139
English Summary:
      After the disintergration of the Soviet Union, Russia has been carrying out multi-party system. In the last few years of the 20th century, party politics in Russia was with some characteristics of having great numbers of parties and sharp factional struggle. After Putin came to power, he actively advanced the reformation of Russia’s party politics by formulating the Party Law and strongly supporting the United Russia Party, etc. In general, the humanic factors was bigger than the historical factors and the systemic factors in the course of the development of Russia’s party politics. Party politics in Russia is still in it’s puberty, and there is still a long and hard way for it’s maturity.
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