The Influence of Anxiety on English Listening
中文关键词:  焦虑情绪  英语听力  相关性
English Keywords:anxiety  English listening proficiency  correlation
Fund Project:
陈艳君,刘德军① 南华大学 外国语学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 978
全文下载次数: 680
English Summary:
      This study adopts two instruments including questionnaire and interview for a survey on listening anxiety with 180 university students. The results show that there exists a certain correlation between listening anxiety and listening proficiency. The two aspects of anxiety—facilitating anxiety and debilitating anxiety are significantly correlated. Facilitating anxiety and listening proficiency are positively correlated, and debilitating anxiety and listening proficiency are negatively related. Statistics analysis also shows an influence of learners’ background factors on listening proficiency and a certain correlation with listening anxiety. The findings of this study will make contributions not only to the theoretical studies of second language acquisition, especially to the foreign language anxiety research, but also to the practical instructions of listening teaching and learning.
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