On the Two Aspects of the Music Esthetics Features in Classic Poems
中文关键词:  古典诗歌  音乐美学  审美价值
English Keywords:classical poetry  music aesthetics  aesthetic value
Fund Project:
杨灿 中南林业科技大学 汉语文化交流学院湖南 长沙 410004 
摘要点击次数: 780
全文下载次数: 889
English Summary:
      Classical poetry shoud be based on rhyme, charm, mood with uniformity, harmony, unity of Orient rhythm aesthetic. The lyrical and expressive words and phrases reflect the inherent sense of rhythm and musicality at the same time. The Musical Aesthetic of poetry comes from the inside and outside levels: the outside beauty points the phonetic level, that is the written words itself express musical aesthetic through the Level and Oblique Tones, rhyme, rhythm and other language forms. The inside beauty of poetry comes from feeling and imagery which is contained by the wirrten words. Readers through voice rhythm can feel out and understand the inside ideological and emotional performance of the poetry to get memorable aesthetic enjoyment.
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