The Reconstruction of Native Americans’Survival Pattern
中文关键词:  路易丝·厄德里奇  《痕迹》  后殖民  生存模式  重构
English Keywords:Louise Erdrich  Tracks  postcolonialism  survival pattern  reconstruction
Fund Project:
肖锦屏,龙娟① 湖南师范大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 827
全文下载次数: 812
English Summary:
      Louise Erdrich is a significant Native American writer. Tracks is one of her important novels. By exploring the change and reconstruction of Native Americans’ survival pattern from the perspective of postcolonialism, this paper tries to expose the disastrous legacies upon the native people by the white colonial power and thus evoke people’s care about the Native Americans’ survival conditions and their thought on how to preserve and develop their traditional culture. Simultaneously, this paper tries to conclude that, within the multicultural context, native Americans should communicate with other cultures and thus absorb the positive elements to develop their own traditions so that they can find a space and articulate in the multicultural society.
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