“Needham Puzzle” and the Modern History of China's Development Opportunity Missed
中文关键词:  “李约瑟难题”  科技革命  发展机遇  科学技术
English Keywords:“Needham Puzzle”  scientific and technological revolution  development opportunities  science and technology
Fund Project:
陈兰芝 华东师范大学 社会科学部上海 200241 
摘要点击次数: 863
全文下载次数: 722
English Summary:
      From the perspective of three scientific and technological revolution in modern times to look at the backwardness of Chinese society, it is not difficult to understand Needham Puzzle is not only a system of scientific research mechanism, ideological and cultural problems,but also a historical opportunity for problems. Every revolution in science and technology constitute national development opportunities, but unfortunately China missed these opportunities. Repeated missed opportunities for development have brought us a series of Enlightenment: national independence and national rejuvenation are the basic prerequisite for national development; We must recognize, grasp, and create opportunities, adhere to opening to the outside world to emancipate the mind, seeking truth and being pragmatic, pioneering and innovative,and attach great importance to scientific research system and system construction to avoid the rigid ideology of intervention.
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