The Study of the Interrogative Sentence of the Immigrants from Sanxia to Hengyang in Hunan Province at the First Stage of Immigration
中文关键词:  三峡移民  迁入初期  交际问题  疑问句系统  疑问句特点
English Keywords:immigrants from Sanxia  first stage of immigration  communication problem  interrogative sentence system  property of interrogative sentences
Fund Project:
李振中,肖素英① 衡阳师范学院 中文系湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1002
全文下载次数: 776
English Summary:
      According to the new system of interrogative, this article deals with the system of interrogative and its features of the language spoken by the immigrants from San’xia in Hengyang at its first stage. The conclusion drawn on the research is that the feature of single yes-no interrogative mainly lies in the option of the pattern of interrogative sentences and the usage of modal words; the feature of double yes-no interrogative mainly lies in the option of the pattern of interrogative sentences and the manner of asking and answering; the feature of the modified and particular selective interrogative mainly lies in the option of the pattern of interrogative sentences and the usage of modal words and the modal meaning illustrated by them; the feature of unmodified and particular selective interrogative mainly lies in the usage and quantity of the interrogative words and modal words. The feature of disjunctive question mainly lies in the selection of the disjunctive words, the usage of modal words indicating disjuncitiveness and the option of the syntactic structure. The result of this research can inevitably be the basis for further study of the language touch, language change and language fusion.
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