A Comparative Analysis of Flower Images in Li Qingzhao and Dickinson's Poems
中文关键词:  花意象  李清照  比兴  儒家人伦观  狄金森  男权文化中心
English Keywords:flower image  Li Qingzhao,metonymy  Confucian ethics  Dickinson  phallogecentric tradition  individualism
Fund Project:
张晓舸 中南大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙 410083 
摘要点击次数: 744
全文下载次数: 740
      文章从李清照和狄金森诗歌中花意象所呈现出的不同形象、不同内涵、不同基调出发,探索引发这种差异背后的艺术家创作个性以及她们长期浸润的中西方文化传统、思维模式、诗学理念等方面的差异。受中国文学深厚的比兴传统的影响,易安咏花词重神轻形,五彩纷呈的花意象象征着女词人高洁孤傲和卓尔不群的人格。但女词人终不堪封建礼教与传统诗学的重重束缚,哀怨郁结遂成为未走出男权文化樊篱的易安咏花词的主要基调。狄金森以花来象征女性意识,其诗作中“花” 意象的变迁充分体现了女性从被动走向自主的转变过程。深受人文主义、超验主义影响的狄金森,其咏花诗所散发出的强烈的个体意识使她成功地突破并超越了男权文化传统和以男性为中心的话语模式,凸显了女性的自强、自立和自尊。
English Summary:
      Flower images were frequently used by Chinese and Western writers,especially those women writers.Forged by diverse historical and cultural background as well as their uncommon life experiences, those flower images in Li Qingzhao and Emily Dickinson's poems were quite different. Because of strict doctrines of Conrucism, Li Qingzhao could not express herself frankly and had to put all her heart into different flowers, especially those graceful and pure flower images which symbolized her noble and elegant character. In all her poems, the tone is melancholy. Dickinson used flower images to symbolize female consciousness. The strong sense of individualism of her flower images made her poesms break through and surpass the phallogocentric tradition.
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