The Way to Learn From Foreign Experience: Dialogue and Creation Based upon Local Development
中文关键词:  异国经验  本土发展  对话  创造
English Keywords:Foreign experience  local development  dialogue  creation
Fund Project:
黄文琴 华东师范大学 教育学系上海市 200062 
摘要点击次数: 571
全文下载次数: 608
English Summary:
      In China, it becomes a trend after the opening-up policy to learn from foreign experience to solve our issues in various fields .We got kinds of ways to learn from, such as the “transplant” ,the “inspire” and the “deductive”. We have the perspective of "life-growth" and take “school-based” research as a case, to talk about how to learn from foreign experience. The power of this way to display needs at least two fundamental aspects constantly enhanced. There is accurate understanding of the foreign experience in dialogue and transformation in creative way based upon local development. On this basis, we’ll meet the target of the dialogue and creation based upon local development at last.
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