Historical Review and Dialectical Thinking on China’s Political System Reform
中文关键词:  政治体制改革  历史经验  政治文明  辩证法
English Keywords:political system reform  historical experience  political civilization  dialectics
Fund Project:
张兰芳,周晓阳① 南华大学 附属第一医院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 940
全文下载次数: 655
English Summary:
      China’s political system reform experiences bringing order out of chaos, initial reform, comprehensive reform, deepening reform and so on. Its basic experience is building socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics on the basis of China's national conditions, steadily advancing political system reform according to the development requirements of the socialist market economy, providing a stable and harmonious political environment for political system reform. We must correctly understand and deal with the inner dialectical relationship of socialist political civilization, relationship between socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics and western political civilization, and relationship between political civilization and other civilizations to continue to deepen political system reform. Only in this way, we can build a better socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics.
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